Sim Server
A complete SIM card management solution for QuesCom GSM gateways
As an addition to your QuesCom GSM gateway solution architecture, the QuesCom SIM Server manages the SIM allocation without the need of human intervention by gathering all SIM cards in a single location. As an addition to your QuesCom GSM gateway, the QuesCom SIM Server takes the best out of GSM providers price plans. According to the time of the day, GSM gateways are loaded with the most adapted SIM cards.
A comprehensive web-based interface enables to manage the SIM allocation based on intuitive rules. No more need to send technical people on site every few days to change SIM cards; all management operations are done from a central site even if your GSM gateways are deployed in several locations or even across countries.
Key benefits
Always use the right SIM at the right time
Up to 416 SIM cards per SIM array
Highly scaleable architecture
Specifically designed for multi-operator and cross country deployment
Maximize SIM price plan usage
Design to manage easily large number of SIM cards |
Sim Card Allocation |
Advanced SIM Price Plan Management
Detailed Reporting |
Call Flow |
Main features
Easy and powerful web based management
Multi-criteria allocation rules by SIM card group
SIM travel simulation
Dynamic SIM swap
Prepaid SIM card management
SIM centralization
With the QuesCom SIM management solution, SIM cards are not located in GSM gateways but centralised in one place.
SIM management becomes quick and easy and SIM cards can be stored in a secure place.
Flexible SIM
Use as many SIM cards per port as you want without manual intervention and constraint - SIM cards are not anymore permanently attached to a given GSM port.
The QuesCom SIM Server can allocate any SIM on any GSM port according to user-defined rules. It then enables a smooth use of SIM cards across days and months and enables the use of different SIM cards profile during on -peak/off-peak hours.
SIM allocation
The SIM server has knowledge of available SIMs in the various SIM arrays. The SIM card to use is selected based on a set of advanced criteria such as current date and time, price plan, GSM provider. Once selected, it provides the gateway with useful information to access this SIM card. The gateway directly contacts the SIM array through TCP/IP to read the SIM information and register it on the GSM network. Periodically, the SIM Server checks GSM port status and then detects when a SIM card needs to be changed. Criteria to change SIMs are a combination of time, date, price plan limit, SIM validity. When one of these criteria matches, the SIM Server will associate another SIM to the gateway. When prepaid cards or monthly plans are running short of credit, SIM cards are automatically removed from routing. A new SIM card is then immediately allocated improving drastically your ASR (Answer Seizure Ratio) and taking full advantage of your GSM gateways.
Prepaid management
The SIM Server manages prepaid SIM cards. When SIM credit becomes low, SIM cards get stamped "to be recharged" and parked ready for "top-up".
Management and administration
An out-of-the-box web-based interface manages the SIM Server deployment. This interface allows the administration of the SIM cards including advanced features such as SIM array maintenance, and SIM tractability. This web interface has been designed to easily manage large numbers of SIMs. Filtering capabilities combined with SIM status provide a unique SIM tool management interface. In addition, they provide an overall view of all GSM gateways, ASR (Answer Seize Rates) and ACD (Average Call Duration) per gateway, SIM and port.
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