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QuesCom SMS Server allows to directly interact with your IT infrastucture.

You will be able to send and receive SMS directely from any kind of in house applications.
There are native APIs as well as Amarrelo certified partner application.


Amarrelo SMS Manager

Download 30 days free trial - Requires a QuesCom 6.50B002 or above.

Download "How to configure Amarrelo SMS Manager for QuesCom"


Displaying you own number as a lot of benefits

While sending your SMS, you also display you own mobile numbers. Indeed, as you do not depend on any third party company, you place corporate Sim cards in the QuesCom.

- Very fast setup.
no need to ask any setup from a mobile operator.
- Cost effective
As soon as you are complying to your Sim card general conditions, you can use the best price plan your mobile operators can offer you.
- 2 ways SMS
Your customers can send back answers or question via SMS at no extra cost. Incoming SMS on short numbers are surtaxed for the sender.
- Getting incoming calls
Your customers can also call those mobile numbers. According to your needs incoming calls can be send to main company number to a special department.


Multiple ways to send SMS manually

QuesCom Virtual Printer Driver (VPD) is a local application installed in the Taskbar of a Windows desktop.
It opens a window to enter mobile phone numbers and message to be send out.
VPD installation can be automatically deployed using Microsoft Active Directory Server.

The SMS can also be send via a Microsoft Outlook plug-in. You can then benefit from the address book.


Multiple ways to send SMS automatically

QuesCom solution allows to automatically send an SMS when receiving an preformatted email.
You need to format your e-mail using SMTP protocol, it should be formatted to deliver information such as user ID and a password, destination number…

MAIL FROM: MyCompany
RCPT TO: gateway@
SUBJECT: Goods delivery
CallerID = user ID
PASSWORD = password
SMS = Recipient’s number
TEXT= Dear Sir, delivery of your products will be done until Thursday- the 9th of May. Best regards

There is also possibility to create an HTML link.
You need to identify a series of parameters: your name, your password, the number you are calling from, the number you are going to reach and a text of your SMS message in an URL link.


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